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Acolytes play an important role in our worship, assisting clergy and helping to bring focus and movement to our worship, responsibly serving, and reminding us of Christ’s light. Younger acolytes continue to strengthen and develop leadership skills and all acolytes deepen knowledge of the liturgy as they serve in this ministry. The acolytes demonstrate excellence in carrying out this visible ministry with dedication and reliability. New members, who have been baptized, as young as age eight through adults are welcome.


Altar Guild is one of the most rewarding ministries. It is a special honor to set our Lord’s table and to decorate our Lord’s house. Our duties include making sure that Lord’s table is beautifully set — silver polished, crystal shiny, and linens spotless. It is a delight to prepare a place for the worship of our Lord that is pleasing to the eye and adds to the experience of worship for the congregation. Being on the Altar Guild is a ministry of love and service to the Lord. It is a very fulfilling and rewarding way for any man or woman to serve Christ and the church.


The chalice bearer plays a vital role in helping ministers cultivate an environment in which worship may be celebrated with reverence and awe, allowing for full participation by the gathered assembly. At each of the Sunday morning services, the chalice bearers assist during the administration of Holy Communion by serving the chalice to the communicants at the altar rail. The persons assigned this duty wear vestments and participate in the processions at the start and end of the service. Chalice bearers do not require licensing, but must be approved by the Rector to participate in this ministry.


The lector carries out his/her primary function during the Liturgy of the Word, proclaiming God's Word to His people so that, strengthened by the words of Holy Scripture, they might come to a deeper love of God and a fuller Christian life. Proclamation of the Nicene Creed and Prayers of the People may be included in duties. Lectors do not require licensing, but must be approved by the Rector to participate in this ministry.


This ministry is for those who desire to use their musical gifts in support of our weekly worship. Each week this ministry's members offer their musical gifts in worship through song, chant, and instrumental music. 

Our whole Parish joins in worship with our beautiful grand piano and our vocal musicians to sing hymns that connect us with the readings, the liturgy of the day, and the liturgical season.  It is a joy to hear the whole congregation lift their voices to the Lord.​

Some of the most beautiful services of the year are those we all come together for joyful songs to worship our Lord. This ministry is a wonderful home for those God has blessed with music who desire to serve others with their gifts. 


Prayer team members meet before each service and pray together for the service and people present. After receiving Eucharist, prayer team members are available to pray with anyone desiring prayer. Confidentiality is kept.


Though this ministry may seem small it is key to helping many other ministries work. This ministry includes our Sound team that helps make sure the services run efficiently. This ministry also helps to run the Zoom session for services in order that those absent from the service may still connect. We are thankful to those who work in the background to ensure those preset and those absent are able to participate in worship.


Our ushers are the smiling faces at our church doors. They serve each Sunday to help guide us through the services. They greet us with a bulletin and a friendly smile as we come into the nave. Through the service, they help to keep things running smoothly through the offertory and eucharist. Their giving spirit at service brings a welcomed and accepted presence to all those who come to worship.

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